Your company, pay and benefits overview - Section 1 of 9 continued...
How many hours is a full-time working week? *
Please enter your answer below if "other" has been selected above*
Would you consider a 4 day working week?*
On full time pay/hours but split over 4 days instead of 5
If you answered "yes" or you already offer this, please outline how you would see this working?*
For example, office closed on a set day per week, split shifts etc...
Where do your staff tend to work from?*
Please enter your answer below if "other" has been selected above*
How many days a week do you mandate an employee must come to the office/not work from home, if any?
How many days holiday are given in a standard full-time entitlement (excluding bank holidays)? *
If you entered more than 25 above, please state how many days holiday are given in a standard full-time entitlement (excluding bank holidays)*
Can days be carried over if unused?*
If yes, how many days can be carried over?*
Can days be bought or sold? *
How do you administer the holiday buy/sell process? *
Please enter your answer below if "other" has been selected above*
Over how many months does an employee pay for holiday purchased?*
Assuming they are employed for at least 12 months
Do you offer enhanced (above statutory) maternity pay/leave?*
Please provide detail on what maternity pay and leave you offer below if you have selected "yes" above
Do you offer enhanced (above statutory) paternity pay/leave?*
Please provide detail on what paternity pay and leave you offer below if you have selected "yes" above*
Do you offer enhanced (above statutory) adoption pay/leave?*
Please provide detail on what adoption pay and leave you offer below if you have selected "yes" above*
Have you made a pay increase in the past 12 months? If yes, what % on average?
Which month(s) do you conduct pay reviews?*
Please select all that apply. If reviews are conducted at employee anniversaries, please select "other" and specify below.
If you have selected 'Other' above, please specify when you conduct pay reviews.*
Has the Employers NIC increase to 15% negatively impacted your decision making on the following*
How do you currently report the tax due on benefits in kind?*
If you currently report benefits via a P11D, are you aware that payrolling benefits will become mandatory from April 2026? *
- Will you change to payrolling benefits from April 2025, or wait until April 2026?*
Do you pay stipends to staff in addition to other benefits?*
Please select all that apply.
Please enter your answer below if "other" has been selected above*
Please specify how much you pay for any stipends*
How often are stipends paid?*
Please specify how often you pay stipends to staff.*
As an estimate (if not known) what percentage of overall payroll do you spend on benefits*
Do you have a budget to increase this?*
Have you made any significant benefit changes in the past 12 months?*
For example adding or removing a benefit, or amending the level of benefit
If yes, please outline what changes have been made*